The creation of a public library in Upland, California would eventually span the course of six locations, a name change, an incorporation and, finally, a Carnegie Library. In fact, when the idea for a public library in Upland was first discussed, Upland did not even exist as a town. The story of the Upland Public Library is more than the birth of a library in one of America’s many small towns. It is, instead, the birth of a town itself. Through the history of the library we see reflected the struggle of a small community trying to become self sufficient and respected. And, inevitably, we see a microcosm of what was happening all across America at the turn of the century.
In researching the Upland Public Library I was assisted by two fantastic librarians in their own right. Kelly Zackmann of the Ontario City Library and Gena Sizoo of the Upland Public Library have both been instrumental in guiding me through this research. They both opened their archives and allowed me the freedom to explore our shared histories.